Everything About The Property Pane Portal in SharePoint

Microsoft SharePoint enables the seamless creation of innovative and highly dynamic websites for various business organizations. One of its most pivotal feature is the ‘Property Pane portal’. The Property Pane is an essential part of SharePoint in the SharePoint Framework (SPFx). This post will delve into its intricacies, discussing its introduction, features, customization possibilities, and usage.

Introduction to Property Pane Portal

The Property Pane is an essential interface in SharePoint that allows for easy customization of various web parts on your page. It is context-sensitive and provides a simple, seemingly effortless way to manage and change the web parts’ properties.

Features of Property Pane Portal

Flexible and Contextual

The Property Pane provides an inherently flexible and contextual way of controlling SharePoint web parts. It adjusts its view depending on the web part selected, hence providing the right options for each selection.

Standard and Custom Fields

Property Pane supports standard input fields like text, toggle switch, checkbox, dropdown, slider, color picker, and date. It also allows you to build and use custom input fields through ‘PropertyFieldCodeEditor’ to offer more tailored experiences.


The Property Pane allows you to group multiple properties together. This led to a better organization of your configurations.

Customizing the Property Pane Portal

SharePoint permits developers to customize the Property Pane to further match their project-specific needs. This means you can create your own UI to meet your web part’s functional aspects.

To begin the customization,

  • Import the PropertyPaneFieldType from ‘sp-webpart-base’.
  • Next, create a method called getPropertyPaneConfiguration().
  • This method will return the necessary configuration that will be used by SharePoint Framework.

The customization process includes:

Making Fields Conditional

You can set fields to only appear when certain conditions are met, such as selecting a checkbox.

    groupFields: [
        PropertyPaneToggle('toggleFieldId', { label: 'Toggle' }),
        PropertyPaneTextField('textFieldId', {
            label: 'Text Field',
            disabled: this.properties.toggleFieldId === false

Create Custom Field

You can create unique fields by implementing the IPropertyPaneField interface.

    groupFields: [
        new MyCustomFieldPropertyPane('myCustomFieldId', {
            label: 'My Custom Field',
            onRender: this.onRender.bind(this),
            properties: this.properties

Usage of Property Pane

To enforce SharePoint’s Property Pane in your SharePoint client-side web part, write the following code inside the getPropertyPaneSettings() method:

return {
    pages: [
            groups: [
                    groupFields: [
                        PropertyPaneTextField('description', {
                            label: 'Description'

In essence, the Property Pane portal is a must-know feature for developers working with SharePoint. Its flexibility, context-sensitivity, and ease of use make it an integral part of SharePoint’s web part customization. By mastering its customization, developers can manipulate a more personalized and targeted user experience.

Understanding and leveraging the Property pane portal’s full benefits in SharePoint allows for a more efficient, user-friendly, and dynamic interface, resulting in a better user experience.






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